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RSANet: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Residual Semantic-Guided Attention Feature Pyramid Network

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Mobile Networks and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The huge computational overhead limits the inference of convolutional neural networks on mobile devices for object detection, which plays a critical role in many real-world scenes, such as face identification, autonomous driving, and video surveillance. To solve this problem, this paper introduces a lightweight convolutional neural network, called RSANet: Towards Real-time Object Detection with Residual Semantic-guided Attention Feature Pyramid Network. Our RSANet consists of two parts: (a) Lightweight Convolutional Network (LCNet) as backbone, and (b) Residual Semantic-guided Attention Feature Pyramid Network (RSAFPN) as detection head. In the LCNet, in contrast to recent advances of lightweight networks that prefer to utilize pointwise convolution for changing the number of feature maps, we design a Constant Channel Module (CCM) to save the Memory Access Cost (MAC) and design Down Sampling Module (DSM) to save the computational cost. In the RSAFPN, meanwhile, we employ Residual Semantic-guided Attention Mechanism (RSAM) to fuse the multi-scale features from LCNet for improving detection performance efficiently. The experiment results show that, on PASCAL VOC 20007 dataset, RSANet only requires 3.24 M model size and needs only 3.54B FLOPs with a 416×416 input image. Compared to YOLO Nano, our method obtains a 6.7% improvement in accuracy and requires less computation. On MS COCO dataset, RSANet only requires 4.35 M model size and needs only 2.34B FLOPs with a 320×320 input image. Our method obtains a 1.3% improvement in accuracy compared to Pelee. The comprehensive experiment results demonstrate that our model achieves promising results in terms of available speed and accuracy trade-off.

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Zhou, Q., Wang, J., Liu, J. et al. RSANet: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Residual Semantic-Guided Attention Feature Pyramid Network. Mobile Netw Appl 26, 77–87 (2021).

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