This book deals with scientific articles as well as their clinical applications. The chapters give a progress report on the osseous consolidation, the biomechanical aspects of the implants, or the accelerating agents of the osseous growth….

Other chapters are practical and try to answer the topical questions such as osteosynthesis in porotic bone, the plates locked with the wrist or the hand, the resorbable materials….

Certain initial chapters are more traditional like the osseous substitutes, the osteosynthesis of replantings, the osteosynthesis of the arthrodèses of the wrist, or the osteotomies, the characteristics of the bone in growth….

Finally the algodystrophy, the infections, the lesions of soft fabrics are also covered in chapters.

This book will make it possible to get answers to certain questions, and understand why novel methods and thus to have a positive or negative idea of it…. The notes of the editor at the beginning of chapter provide in a few words key and short explanations so as to avoid referring to the text for explanation.

This book is sponsored by Synthes company.

No funds were received in support of this study.

Alain Graftiaux
