Just a reminder to our readers: If you would like to review a recently received book, please contact Brandy Schillace, Managing Editor. To publishers and authors: If you have a book you would like us to review, contact the Managing Editor via email, but please send books to the office of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, care of the Anthropology Department, Case Western Reserve University.

Bala, Poonam, ed. 2012 Contesting Colonial Authority: Medicine and Indigenous Responses in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century India. New York: Lexington.

Good, Mary-Jo Delvecchio, Sarah S. Willen, Seth Donal Hannah, Ken Vickery, and Lawrence Taeseng Park, eds. 2012 Shattering Culture: American Medicine Responds to Cultural Diversity. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Halliburton, Murphy 2009 Mudpacks and Prozac: Experiencing Ayurvedic, Biomedical and Religious Healing. Walnut Creek: Left Coast.

Knaul, Felicia Marie 2012 Beauty without the Breast. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Macleish, Kenneth T 2013 Life and Uncertainty in a Military Community. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Redfield, Peter 2013 Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors without Borders. Berkeley: University of California Press.