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Hierarchical Attention for Part-Aware Face Detection

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International Journal of Computer Vision Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Expressive representations for characterizing face appearances are essential for accurate face detection. Due to different poses, scales, illumination, occlusion, etc, face appearances generally exhibit substantial variations, and the contents of each local region (facial part) vary from one face to another. Current detectors, however, particularly those based on convolutional neural networks, apply identical operations (e.g. convolution or pooling) to all local regions on each face for feature aggregation (in a generic sliding-window configuration), and take all local features as equally effective for the detection task. In such methods, not only is each local feature suboptimal due to ignoring region-wise distinctions, but also the overall face representations are semantically inconsistent. To address the issue, we design a hierarchical attention mechanism to allow adaptive exploration of local features. Given a face proposal, part-specific attention modeled as learnable Gaussian kernels is proposed to search for proper positions and scales of local regions to extract consistent and informative features of facial parts. Then face-specific attention predicted with LSTM is introduced to model relations between the local parts and adjust their contributions to the detection tasks. Such hierarchical attention leads to a part-aware face detector, which forms more expressive and semantically consistent face representations. Extensive experiments are performed on three challenging face detection datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our hierarchical attention and make comparisons with state-of-the-art methods.

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Fig. 7
Fig. 8

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  1. Some papers also call such boxes as “default boxes”. Since both default box and anchor box essentially indicate the same thing, hereinafter we use anchor box for consistency.



  4. ImageNet pretrained models of ResNet are obtained from

  5. Results of DCN are obtained with the official code from

  6. The results are obtained from the FDDB official website at

  7. The results are obtained from WIDER FACE official website at

  8. The results are obtained from UFDD official website at


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This research was supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2017YFA0700800), Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61390511, 61650202, 61772496 and 61402443).

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Wu, S., Kan, M., Shan, S. et al. Hierarchical Attention for Part-Aware Face Detection. Int J Comput Vis 127, 560–578 (2019).

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