1 Correction to: Journal of Power Electronics https://doi.org/10.1007/s43236-020-00133-4

Due to an unfortunate oversight some equations (4, 5, 6 and 7) have been given erroneously, such that:

θ = (0° − 20°) should be replaced by θ = (0° − 120°) in the four equations 4,5,6,7.

$$d_{{1i \, = \left( {1 - 48} \right)}} = \, M \, \times \, \left( {A_{i} + \, B_{i} \times \, \theta } \right) \, \quad {\text{for }} \, \theta = \left( {0^\circ{-}120^\circ } \right),$$
$$d_{{2i \, = \left( {1 - 48} \right)}} = \, M \, \times \, \left( {C_{i} + \, D_{i} \times \, \theta } \right) \, \quad {\text{for }} \, \theta = \left( {0^\circ{-}120^\circ }\right),$$
$$d_{{3i \, = \left( {1 - 48} \right)}} = \, M \, \times \, \left( {E_{i} + \, F_{i} \times \, \theta } \right) \, \quad {\text{for }}\, \theta = \left( {0^\circ{-}120^\circ }\right),$$
$$d_{{0i \, = \left( {1 - 48} \right)}} = \, M \, \times \, \left( {G_{i} + \, H_{i} \times \, \theta } \right) \, \quad {\text{for }}\, \theta = \left( {0^\circ{-}120^\circ }\right).$$