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Labor Process and the Environment: The Effects of Labor Availability and Compensation on the Quality of Herding in the Sahel

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Human Ecology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The relationship between investments of labor to agricultural production and environmental degradation in rural areas of the developing world is complex. This paper reports on qualitative and quantitative research focused on the effects of labor availability and its compensation on the way in which cattle are herded in the Maasina region of Central Mali. Within this particular region, two social relationships determine the level and form of herder compensation: that between herd patriarch and cattle owner, and that between herd patriarch and herder. Both the nature of these relationships and variations in herding practice are described prior to a presentation of statistical analyses of the effects of household labor availability and cattle wealth on travel and grazing management decisions. Reductions in both the availability of herding labor and in the economic security of Fulsse households are shown to lead to reduced herd mobility and more constricted grazing patterns with significant environmental implications.

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Turner, M.D. Labor Process and the Environment: The Effects of Labor Availability and Compensation on the Quality of Herding in the Sahel. Human Ecology 27, 267–296 (1999).

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