
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The following is a suggested marking strategy ; you can, of course, use your own marking convention.

Worksheets are used to test your understanding but do not carry any marks.

Each section has a number of projects, worth 10 points in total for each, with scoring detailed for each project. These total 250 points across all the topics.

The final assignment is worth 150 points. A marking strategy for this is provided. Only attempt one final assignment. The final exam is worth 100 points, and a marking guide is provided. Therefore, the maximum you can achieve is 500. You can divide this by 5 to reach a percentage. A suggested final mark is this:


Grade A+         350-400

Grade A         300-350

Grade B+         250-300

Grade B      


Grade C+         150-200

Grade C         100-150

Grade D           50-100

Grade E


Grade F