
1 Introduction

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been proven to be effective in reducing vehicle accidents and minimizing driver injury risks [2]. Hence in recent time, ADAS system are being rapidly adopted in modern cars [1]. Autonomous navigation is most desired functionality among the driver assistance functions offered by ADAS, which in turn is highly dependent on reliable and accurate lane detection. Information of ego lane and side lane is also crucial for other driving assistance tasks like lane keeping, lane departure warning and overtaking assistance. Camera sensor has been used extensively for lane detection task, and has been a low cost solution over costly LiDAR sensors. Although cost effective, vision based approach incurs lot of challenges in extracting lane features from varying driving conditions. Low light condition during dawn and dusk, and reduced visibility in bad weather directly affects the lane detection accuracy. Road surface may vary in appearance due to construction material used, tyre markings and because of shadows casted by vehicles and neighboring trees, making detection error prone. Also presence of informative road markings increases chances of false classification. Occlusion of lane markings due to vehicles is a usual situation which adds to the challenge of inferring lane boundaries, lane markings may be completely occluded in heavy traffic conditions. The challenge gets amplified for side lane detection as their visual signatures are weak due to the road geometry ahead. As well as side lane detection is rarely studied problem in the literature since most of the methods attempts to address ego lane detection problem.

Most of the lane detection methods employ traditional computer vision techniques where a hand-crafted features are designed by arduous process of fine tuning. Such specialized features works under a controlled environment and are not robust enough in complex driving scenarios, hence not suitable for practical deployment. A computer vision approach designed with CNN, has potential to provide reliable and accurate solution to lane detection. Recent lane detection solutions based on CNN semantic segmentation were impressive in their performance [10,11,12]. Though impressive the CNN based segmentation methods require post processing and model fitting operations to obtain final lane predictions. Also the potential of CNN to summarize patterns is not completely explored in the literature. We describe the related work in Sect. 2.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example of multilane detection and classification by our network, where the output is in the form of lane boundary image coordinates represented by small color circles (best viewed on computer screen when zoomed in). Classified and lane boundaries are represented by blue, green, red and white colors respectively (best seen in color) (Color figure online)

In our work, we analyze renowned semantic segmentation CNN architectures for task of lane detection. We identify that the segmentation approach is inefficient particularly for lane detection problem as described in Sect. 3.1. The generated lane segmentation masks appear splattered and fragmented due to low segmentation accuracy of lane boundaries. Further requiring a post processing steps like tracking and model fitting to obtain lane parameters. We pose the lane detection problem as regression problem (Sect. 3.2), where our network can be trained for producing parameterized lane information in terms of image coordinates as shown in Fig. 1. This new paradigm of using regression instead of segmentation, produces better detection accuracy as it does not demand each pixel to get classified accurately. We derive our dataset using TuSimple [22] dataset (Sect. 3.3), and the dataset format enables us to train our network in end-to-end manner. We obtain improved detection accuracy over the recent segmentation based methods, without employing any post processing operations as explained in Sect. 4.

2 Related Work

2.1 Traditional Approaches

The robustness of traditional lane detection techniques directly depends on reliable feature extraction procedure from the input road scene. An HSV based feature is designed to adapt with the changes in lightning condition, is demonstrated to detect lane markers in [3]. Inverse perspective mapping (IPM) technique is often used as a primary operation in lane detection. Method in [4] apply a steerable filter on equally spaced horizontal band in the IPM of input frame to extract lane marking feature. Accuracy of approaches using IPM is lowered due to false positives introduced by vehicles present in the scene. A method in [5] detect vehicle ahead in the scene using SVM classifier, and uses this vehicle presence information to add robustness to approach in [4]. Data from multiple sensors can be combined to improve detection accuracy. Vision based multilane detection system [15] combines GPS information and map data. A feature derived from fusion of LiDAR and vision data statistics is use detect curb location along the road [6]. This curb information is further used for lane detection with help of thresholding (OTSU’s), morphological operation (TopHat) and PPHT (progressive probabilistic hough transform). Another usual approach to produce robustness against noisy feature measurement is use of a detection and tracking framework like particle and kalman filtering [16]. An ego lane detection method [7] makes use of multiple particle filters to detect and track of lane boundary locations. This superparticle approach tracks lane boundary points by propagating particles in bottom-up direction of input frame, independently for left and right ego lane boundaries. An efficient particle filter variant [14] is shown to identify road geometry ahead in real-time. An energy efficient named Lanquest [9] detects ego-vehicle’s position on the lane using inertial sensor in the smartphone, but it cannot be used to identify road turnings ahead.

2.2 CNN Based Approaches

Recent approaches incorporating CNNs for the lane marker detection [11, 12] have proven to be more robust than model based methods. A CNN used as a preprocessing step in a lane detection system [10], helps in enhancing edge information by noise suppression. DeepLanes [13] detects immediate sideward lane markings with laterally mounted camera system. Although DeepLanes achieve real time performance with high accuracy, it cannot detect road turning ahead. Multilane detection method in [8] makes use of CNN and regression to identify line segments that approximate a lane boundary effectively, it requires high resolution images to work with which hampers the speed. SegNet [18] based multilane detection network [17] segment out lanes, though promising the segmented mask are not accurate at road turnings. VPGNet [25] detects and classify lane markings along with road informative markings, it is inspired by the human intuition of identifying lane layout from global context like road structure and traffic flow. VPGNet trains a baseline network for task of vanishing point detection and further fine tune it for lane and road marking detection task, which helps to improve the overall accuracy. To improve segmentation accuracy of thin and elongated objects like poles and lanes boundaries, Spatial CNN (SCNN) [26] replaces the conventional layer-by-layer convolution with slice-by-slice convolution within feature maps. Such an arrangement provides information flow between pixels across rows and columns, which is hypothesized to be effective for summarizing the global context. A GAN framework is utilized in [27] for lane boundary segmentation, where the discriminator network is trained using an “embedding loss” function which iteratively helps the generator network in learning of higher structural semantics of lanes. LaneNet [24] is a instance segmentation network which makes use of a branched structure to output binary lane segmentation mask and pixel localization mask, which is further used to infer lane instance by clustering process. Apart from LaneNet, a separate network is trained for obtaining parametric lane information form lane instance segmentation mask.

Our work mainly differs in two ways. Firstly unlike the recent network which have complex structure (from training perspective) and specialized message passing connections, our network has relatively simple structure consisting of known layer operations. The change of paradigm from segmentation to regression gives performance edge to our network. Secondly, no post processing is needed to infer lane information as our network can be trained in end-to-end way.

3 Coordinate Network

3.1 Issues with Segmentation Approach

Though the recent CNN semantic segmentation approaches have been proven to be effective, they are still an inefficient way for detecting lane boundaries. Semantic segmentation network carry out multiclass classification for each pixel, producing a dense pixel mask as output. Thus the segmentation paradigm is too exacting in nature as the emphasis is on obtaining accurate classification per pixel, instead of identifying a shape. Moreover the lane boundaries appear as a thin and elongated shapes in the road scene, unlike cars and pedestrian which appear blob shaped. A small loss in segmentation accuracy can significantly degrade the segmentation mask of lane boundaries, rendering them fragmented and splattered as shown in Fig. 2. Additional post processing operations like model fitting and tracking are needed to infer lane boundaries from these noisy segmentation lane masks. In order to overcome these issues, we pose the lane detection problem as CNN regression task. We devise a network to output parameterized lane boundaries in terms of image coordinate. Unlike the segmentation approach, this new approach is less demanding as it does not rely on each pixel to get classified correctly, and does not require any post processing stage as well. Also the format of our derived dataset enables to train a network in an end-to-end fashion.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Segmentation mask generated by ENet [20] and FCN [19] network show fragmentation and splattering issues

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Coordinate network outputs four lane vectors corresponding to four lane boundary types, each containing 15 locations along the predicted lane boundary

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Network architecture

3.2 Network Architecture

For implementing the regression approach for lane detection and classification, we develop a CNN model which outputs four lane coordinate vectors representing the predicted positions of lane boundaries in the given road scene. The four lane coordinate vector corresponds to four lane boundary types (classes) i.e. and . A single lane coordinate vector consist of 15 points (x, y) on the image plane, representing the sampled locations of the lane boundary. The predicted points may lie outside the image plane and are treated to be invalid (see Fig. 3). The usual structure of semantic segmentation network consist of an encoder, followed by a decoder which expands the feature map to a denser segmentation map. Unlike the segmentation network, our network has just the encoder followed by four bifurcating branches of fully connected layers. Where each of the branch outputs a lane coordinate vector corresponding to one of the lane boundary type as shown in Fig. 4. The encoder operates on an image of resolution \(256\times 480\) and comprises of five sections, where each section consist of two convolutional layer followed by a max-pooling layer (max-pooling is excluded for last section) as shown in Fig. 4. Two fully connected layers are added back-to-back for each lane type (class), giving the network a branched structure. Such branched arrangement minimizes misclassifications of predicted lane points (coordinates). The network details are given in Table 1.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Example from TuSimple dataset (b) Derived dataset for training coordinate network which has positional as well as lane type information (best seen in color) (c) Derived dataset for training segmentation networks (LaneNet and UNet) (d) Derived dataset for analyzing lane detection abilities of segmentation networks (ENet and FCN) (Color figure online)

3.3 Dataset Preparation and Network Training

In order to train our network for lane detection and classification task, we derive a dataset from TuSimple [22] dataset published for lane detection challenge. The challenge dataset consist of 3626 images of highway driving scenes, along with their corresponding lane annotations. These images are of \(720\times 1280\) resolution and are recorded in medium to good weather conditions during daytime. The lane annotation information consist a list of the column position (index) for the lane boundaries corresponding to a fixed row positions (indexes). Figure 5(a) shows the visualization of an example from TuSimple dataset. On an average there are four lanes annotated per image, marking the left and right ego lane boundaries and the left and right side lane boundaries. Lanes which are occluded by vehicles, or cannot be seen because of abrasion are also retained.

The TuSimple dataset does not distinguish between the lane boundary type i.e. ego right, ego left, side right and side left (see Fig. 5(a)). So we derive a dataset which has the lane boundary position as well as lane type information (see Fig. 5(b)) and has images of \(256 \times 480\) resolution. In order to compare our approach with the segmentation approach, we are required to train and evaluate semantic segmentation networks for the task of lane detection and classification as well. Hence we also derive a second dataset for semantic segmentation task by fitting curves over the lane points (coordinates) from the derived dataset of the coordinate network (see Fig. 5(c)). All the curves drawn in the ground truth images are of 8 pixels in thickness. As shown in Fig. 5(d), we also derive a third dataset which contains just the lane positional information for analyzing the segmentation capability of ENet [20] and FCN [19] (refer Fig. 2).

Table 1. Network description

As the number of images in challenge dataset is low to effectively train the CNN variants, we adopt data augmentation and transfer learning strategies to improve the learning result. Data augmentation is a technique to synthetically extend a given dataset by applying different image processing operations. Effective application of data augmentation can increase the size of a training set 10-fold or more. Additionally, data augmentation adds immunity against over-fitting of the network. To extend our derived dataset to 11196 images, we used operations like cropping, mirroring, adding noise and rotating the images around varying degrees. Similar procedure is followed for augmenting all the derived datasets, and for generating test dataset from TuSimple test images. During transfer learning we borrow the weights of the encoder section of UNet [23], trained on Cityscape Dataset [21]. Later our network is fine-tuned with the derived dataset. During network training, we used stochastical gradient descent optimizer with learning rate of 0.001. The batch size was kept to 1 and training was done for 75 epochs. We used following L1 loss function:


where () are predicted lane coordinates, and () are the corresponding ground truth coordinates.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Metric illustration. Left hand side figure illustrates MIoU metric components where the background, ego lane left boundary and ego lane right boundary have class id as 0, 1 and 2 respectively. The right hand side figure shows the Euclidean error vector between the predicted and ground truth coordinates

4 Evaluation

The coordinate network is devised to be an improvement over the recent lane detection approaches those which primarily perform semantic segmentation. Hence in order to compare our network, we choose the LaneNet [24] which is an instances segmentation network developed as a lane detection and classification solution. LaneNet makes use of discriminative loss function [24] which gives it a performance edge over semantic segmentation networks. Since the weights of our network’s encoder section are borrowed from UNet [23] (trained on CityScape dataset [21]), we choose UNet as a second network for comparison in our work. We train UNet and LaneNet as a five-class semantic segmentation network using our derived segmentation dataset with IoU (Intersection over Union) and discriminative loss [24] functions respectively. The four lane boundaries are identified by four distinct classes and background forms the fifth class.

4.1 Quantitative Analysis

Most common metrics for evaluating segmentation accuracy are based on similarity measures between predicted and ground truth pixels. Hence our coordinate network cannot be directly compared with LaneNet and UNet, as our network outputs image coordinates () instead of a dense pixel-wise prediction. To make the performance of the coordinate network comparable to the LaneNet and UNet, the output of our network is adapted. We generate the lane segmentation image (mask) by fitting the curve on the predicated lane coordinates. The drawn lanes have the width consistent to the lane width used for generating the ground truth images of the derived segmentation dataset. The predictions of all the networks are then compared to the ground truth in the test dataset using the MIoU (mean intersection over union) metric. The MIoU metric for a single test image is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} MIoU = \frac{1}{1+k} \sum _{i=0}^{k}\frac{TP_{ii}}{\sum _{j=0}^{k}FN_{ij} + \sum _{j=0}^{k}FP_{ji} - TP_{ii}} \end{aligned}$$

where k is number of classes (k = 5 in our case i.e. and ). TP, FN and FP are pixel counts of true positive, false negative and false positive regions respectively as illustrated in Fig. 6.

Table 2. Lane detection accuracy measured as MIoU metric

We evaluate all the networks on the 1000 test images, with their performance summarized in Table 2. Although LaneNet demonstrate better accuracy (MIoU) over UNet, our coordinate model outperform LaneNet as can be seen from the Table 2. As the CNN regression approach seems most promising both in visual examination and in terms of MIoU metric, we investigate the coordinate network more thoroughly. In Table 3, we summarize the performance of coordinate network on the four lane types. We compute the mean error between predicted lane coordinates with the corresponding ground truth values as a Euclidean distance (in terms of pixels), for each lane type and over entire test dataset. The mean prediction error for single lane boundary class is defined as follows and illustrated in Fig. 6.

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Mean Prediction Error}} = \frac{1}{15}\sum _{i=1}^{15}\sqrt{(xp_{i} - xg_{i})^2 + (yp_{i} - yg_{i})^2} \end{aligned}$$

where () are predicted lane coordinates, and () are the corresponding ground truth coordinates. From prediction error statistics in Table 3 and it can observe that the mean error is relatively low for ego lane boundaries as compared to side lane boundaries. Particularly for side lane boundaries, we also record the count of missed lanes i.e. lanes that were present in the ground truth but were completely missed-out by the network. Similarly we note the count of “Over-predicted” lanes as those lanes that were predicted by the network but were not present in the ground truth. From Table 3, it can be observed that the missed lane count is low compared to the falsely predicted side lane boundaries. Also it can be observed that the mean error values for ego lane boundaries are within the thickness of ground truth lane boundary (i.e. 8 pixels), justifying the improved MIoU metric.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Multilane detection and classification on different road driving scenarios. Output of our network is adapted for visualization. Classified and lane types are represented by green, orange, red and blue colors respectively (best seen in color) (Color figure online)

Table 3. Prediction error statistics in terms of pixels computed for 256\(\,\times \,\)480 image resolution
Fig. 8.
figure 8

Stable and consistent detection and classification observed during highway test drive, without utilizing any tracking framework

4.2 Qualitative Analysis

In order to visually compare the coordinate network’s output with rest of the segmentation networks, we fit and plot the curves using the predicted lane image coordinates. We obtain predictions of all the networks on driving scenarios like occlusions due to vehicles, poorly lane marked roads and high contrast illuminations due to over bridge shadows. As can be seen form Fig. 7, the coordinate model is more reliable in detecting and classifying of multiple lanes when compared to other two networks. Particularly UNet and LaneNet fail in detecting lane boundaries in high contrast images arising in the scenario of under pass, and also performs poorly during occlusions due to vehicles. Moreover we observe that UNet and LaneNet tend to confuse between lane boundary types for lane markings those are away from the camera, which get manifested as broken lane boundaries in predicted segmentation mask. Coordinate network on the other hand has better detection accuracy in occlusions, and particularly in scenarios like shadows casted by over bridge. We validated the coordinate network in our test vehicle using Nvidia’s PX2 platform. We observe a consistent and stable detection without using any tracking framework during highway test drive, as shown in Fig. 8.

5 Conclusions

We presented a CNN based regression network for reliably detecting multiple lanes as well as classifying them based on position, where our network produces parameterized lane information in terms of image coordinates. Unlike the recent CNN segmentation based methods which produces dense pixel masks, our regression approach removes the stringent criterion of classifying each pixel correctly. Thereupon improving the detection accuracy of both the ego lane and side lane boundaries. The convenient format of our derived dataset enables training of the network in an end-to-end fashion, thus eliminating any need of post-processing operations. We found our network performing better than LaneNet and UNet during evaluation, particularly in high contrast scenes formed due to over bridge shadow and in situation where lane markings are occluded by vehicles. Moreover our network is relatively better in identifying distant lane markings, which are often misclassified by segmentation based methods. We validated the network on our test vehicle under usual highway driving conditions, where we observed a consistent and stable detection and classification of lane boundaries without employing any tracking operation. Our network attains a promising performance of 25 FPS on Nvidia’s PX2 platform.