
1 Introduction

The Linked Open Data cloudFootnote 1 contains several knowledge bases with billions of triples, many of which have overlapping concepts. In order to reduce data heterogeneity and improve interoperability between these knowledge bases one can avail of semantic mappings [3]. Semantic mappings are represented using mapping languages, which can be complex and not as intuitive as one would like [1]. In such cases, visual representations can be used to support user engagement with the mapping task [4].

In previous work [5], we have proposed a visual representation for mappings, called Juma, Jigsaw puzzles for mappings. We have applied this representation for uplift mappings and showed how it can automatically generate mappings that can be exported to R2RML or SML representations, two syntactically distinct mapping languages [6, 7]. Juma is based on the block (or jigsaw) metaphor that has become popular with visual programming languages – where it is called the block paradigm – such as ScratchFootnote 2. This metaphor allows one to focus on the logic instead of the language’s syntax, targeting different types of stakeholders, especially non-experts.

In this paper, we employ the Juma method in representing semantic mappings that generate executable mappings. Executable mappings encode an interpretation of a semantic mapping in a given query language [11]. In this implementation, Juma will generate SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries from the visual representation of the semantic mappings. The main contributions of this paper are: the use of the block metaphor for semantic mappings that automatically generate executable mappings and a demonstration through a use case.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 reviews the related work. Section 3 presents our visual representation applied to semantic mappings. A demonstration is presented in Sect. 4. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

In this section, we briefly discuss the state of the art in visual representations for semantic mappings. A survey [4] defined the main types of representations as tree and graph ones. Tree representations. These systems show ontologies as trees, usually side by side. Mappings are represented as lines that connect concepts between the trees. SAMBO [9] is an example of such system. AlignmentVis [1] combines a tree representation of mappings with statistical plots. Graph representations. The main visualization in these systems is a graph one. Most systems analyzed combine a graph representation with others. The system VOAR [12] combine graph and tree visualizations. RepOSE [8] only shows mappings as graphs. AgreementMakerLight [10] applies a different approach where ontologies and mappings are shown in a subgraph centered on a selected mapping.

The block metaphor combines a tree representation with visual elements, such as colors and shape, which show users how blocks are related to each other. In this paper, we apply the block metaphor in the representation of semantic mappings that automatically generate executable mappings. To the best of our knowledge, no other work combines a visual representation for semantic mappings and automatic query generation as executable mappings.

3 Using a Block Metaphor in the Representation of Semantic Mappings

In this work, we propose a new implementation of the JumaFootnote 3 method applied to semantic mappingsFootnote 4. As mentioned before, semantic mappings relate source and target elements from different ontologies, in order to reduce data heterogeneity and improve data interoperability.

We use Google’s Blockly APIFootnote 5 in this implementation. The main interface has menu options on the left-hand side and a workspace on the right-hand side. The menu options provide users with all blocks that can be used in the creation or editing of mappings within our visual representation. The workspace represents the current version of the mapping. The visual representation also uses colors to identity the type of structure that is being created.

In the tool, we make the distinction between simple and complex semantic mappings. Simple mappings relate one entity to another (one-to-one); complex mappings describe relationships between multiple entities (one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many) [3]. Simple mappings have a specific block defining source and target entities with a relation block. This relation can be used to define class equivalence, property equivalence, sub-class, amongst others. Complex mappings rely on a different block that defines source and target elements. The source element defines how to select the attributes that are going to be used in the target element. In this implementation, source and target elements are defined in a similar way. One block is used to define the subject. Then, this block can be associated with predicate/object blocks. Which are used to define the triple patterns found in SPARQL.

Each function has a specific block. For example, to transform minutes in seconds, a block that represents such function would be available in the visual representation. This block is responsible to generate the SPARQL query code needed for such transformation. The same is true for any other function that would use filters or the aggregation of values, for example. We note that all functions within the current implementation of the visual representation have a similar design (with a name, parameters and optional values); and that it is possible to extend it to support other functions. There are also specific blocks for defining blank nodes and classes (see an example of a complex mapping in Sect. 4). It is also possible to add comments to the blocks in the representation, which can be used to explain matching results coming from the many matching algorithms available. The visual representation also supports zooming in and out, enabling and disabling parts of the mappings - disabled blocks are still visible but not used in the generation of the executable mapping.

The visual representation automatically generates executable mappings in the form of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. The reason for using SPARQL being that it has been shown to be able to represent a wide variety of mappings [13]. Furthermore, SPARQL is a W3C recommendation, widely used with many implementations.

Figure 1 shows an example of a simple class mapping. In this mapping the class dbpedia:MusicalArtist is mapped to mo:MusicArtist from the Music OntologyFootnote 6.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Visual representation of a simple mapping

4 Demonstration

The dataset used in the demonstration is based on the work published in [2] and consists of mappings between DBpedia and 11 other data sources. These are real use case mappings, designed independently of this research. The mappings were devised by the R2R Framework research [2] (52 simple mappings and 20 complex ones)Footnote 7. We note that the current implementation has the built-in functions needed to represent these mappings. In order to evaluate our approach, we represented all mappings using Juma, generated executable mappings, and validated that the executed mappings produced the expected results. Figure 2 shows an example of a complex mapping from the dataset.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Visual representation of a complex mapping

In this mapping, the property foaf:name is mapped to foaf:givenName and foaf:familyName. The property foaf:givenName uses the function string before. The property foaf:familyName uses the function string after. The parameters of the function are defined by clicking on the property icon. The generated executable mapping from in Fig. 2 is presented in Listing 1.

figure a

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we propose the use of a block metaphor in the representation of semantic mappings. We have demonstrated our approach’s expressiveness by applying it to real use case mappings from the R2R framework. By being able to express such mappings, we are encouraged that the approach can cope with simple and complex mappings, but further validation is needed to be conclusive.

In addition, previous work had shown us that this representation was useful, especially for non-experts, in the representation of uplift mappings [6]. Our intuition is that such a visual representation can also be beneficial to different types of users in the representation of semantic mappings. We believe that the combination of our visual representation with others might facilitate the creation, editing and understanding of semantic mappings by experts and non-experts alike.

Future work includes improving the visual representation by making it more intuitive and extending it to support other executable mapping representations. Moreover, the current implementation requires users to type in the concepts being mapped, with no integration with datasets during mapping creation/editing. Therefore, future work will also focus on minimizing the typing needed, validating it against the ontologies being mapped, and showing the ontologies together with mappings.