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The Editors have identified two errors that require correction, as described below:

  1. 1.

    1. Chapter 7, Equation 7.6 description for term σ, page 150

    Equation 7.6 is written correctly, however the term σ is incorrectly described as “σ = expected standard deviation of the mean difference.”

    The correct description for σ is as follows:

    σ = expected standard deviation of the mean for population 1 (σ1) or population 2 (σ2)

  2. 2.

    Chapter 22, Equation 22.2 Step 2, page 424

    The lower and upper limits of the 95 % confidence interval for the incidence rate are incorrectly shown as:

    $$ \text{Lower} \ \text{limit}={\text{e}}^{\frac{A}{B}-1.96*SE}$$
    $$ \text{Upper}\ \text{limit}={\text{e}}^{\frac{A}{B}+1.96*SE}$$

    The correct formulas are:

    $$ \text{Upper}\ \text{limit}={\text{e}}^{{\rm In} \left({\frac{A}{B}}\right)+{1.96*SE}}$$
    $$ \text{Upper}\ \text{limit}={\text{e}}^{{\rm In} \left({\frac{A}{B}}\right)-{1.96*SE}}$$

    The Editors apologize if these errors caused the reader any inconvenience.