
1 Introduction

Following the trend towards Open Data, Linked Data and the Semantic Web, more and more organizations are publishing their data to the Web. The academic world and standardization bodies have defined various frameworks and principles in order to do so: e.g., the Linked Data (LD) principles [2], hypermedia and REST principles [3], Linked Data Fragments (LDF) principles [6] or the RDF frameworkFootnote 1. In our lab at Ghent University we are involved in projects on Linked Data which request often to do the same over and over again, adhering to the same set of principles. In this paper we are introducing tdt/triples, a project which takes away the pain of having to implement these principles for publishing data over and over again.

First we are going to describe how the perfect triple looks like according to principles. In the related work, we are discussing what projects already take care of these principles and why we believe tdt/triples will be a great benefit to a lot of tools. In the next section, we introduce the tdt/triples project. Next, the live demo is described and, finally, a conclusion is formulated.

2 The Perfect Triple

For each concept identifier within a triple – a fact described using RDF – a URI is used. In the design issues with Linked DataFootnote 2 Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World-Wide Web, introduces dereferencing: “When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information”. According to the WC ’s note on dereferencing HTTP URIsFootnote 3, the act of retrieving a representation of a resource identified by a URI is known as dereferencing that URI. This way, user agents can retrieve facts about the concept the URI is identifying.

Different kinds of user agents are surfing the Web. For a URI about a certain government service, a user agent may be for example looking for news facts. The user agent is going to prefer an application/rss+xml representation over a text/html representation. The server which serves the representations of the URI may also have its preferences: it may prefer to send text/html over application/rss+xml as the latter has for instance a slow implementation on the server. The HTTP protocol supports this content negotiation using its Accept headers. RDF also has different serializations in which triples can be defined. Using content negotiation, different representations of the data should be provided.

These URIs also need to be discoverable. Using DCAT, a WC vocabulary to describe data catalogs, and VoID, the WC Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets, dataset can be made discoverable.

LDF [6] makes the Web of Data Web-scale by allowing clients to query datasets. A basic LDF server has to provide 3 things: data that corresponds to a basic triple pattern, meta-data that consists of the (approximate) total triple count and controls that lead to all other fragments of the same dataset.

The perfect triple is a triple whom’s URIs are dereferenced through the HTTP protocol. According to REST principles, the responses to requests towards these URIs have to be cacheable. Furthermore, different serializations and representations of the data have to be provided through content negotiation in order to make the data easy to consume for all machines. Hypermedia controls are needed when dereferencing the URI which provide affordances to the URIs in the triple. Finally, meta-data has to be provided in order to query the data according to the LDF principles and meta-data about the the dataset needs to be given using the DCAT and VoID ontologies.

3 Related Work

PubbyFootnote 4 is a Java project written by Richard Cyganiak and Chris Bizer in order to dereference URIs in a triple store with a SPARQL endpoint that supports DESCRIBE queries. It supports content negotiationFootnote 5 and it follows the REST and hypermedia principles. Pubby does not provide meta-data through the hypermedia interface using DCAT or VoID. Known limitations are that it only supports SPARQL endpoints which support DESCRIBE, multiple datasets may not work as expected and hash URIs are not supported. Furthermore, the visualization of the triples in the HTML representation are not extensibleFootnote 6. Amongst all limitations, only supporting SPARQL endpoints is a problem as for instance ontologies are commonly written by hand in a turtle file and uploaded on a server without triple store, or some data are not stored in a triple store at all and needs to be accessed in another way.

TriplifyFootnote 7 [1] is a light-weight Data Publication platform. It is a small plugin for Web applications, which reveals the semantic structures encoded in relational databases. Triplify is focused on converting unstructured data from Web applications, stored in a relational database, to RDF. While the project also lowers the barrier for adoption of the Linked Data technology, it does not provide any solution to dereferncing new URIs.

VirtuosoFootnote 8, a triple store built by OpenLink, provides optional URI dereferencing on top of their triple store software. In a documentFootnote 9, they describe their implementation details exposing RDF data and bridging the “Linked Data Web” and the traditional “Document Web”. While it is an interesting project, it only works on top of Virtuoso.

Another project is the DBpedia viewer [4] and is used by the, at the time of writing, beta version of DBpedia live. The main drawback for reusing this project, is that the codeFootnote 10 is written specifically for DBpedia’s Virtuoso instance.

4 Demo

For this demonstrator, we have chosen a URI namespace,, further referred to with the prefix triples:. On this namespace, it is our goal to provide a hypermedia interface which dereferences URIs defined in an RDF file. For public transit stop points, we want two LDPFootnote 11 containers: one describing the stoppoints of the Belgian railway company NMBS, triples:NMBS and one describing the stoppoints of the Dutch railway company NS, triples:NS . In these containers, the locations and names of these stop points are given.

The tdt/triples Footnote 12 project can be installed over tdt/core Footnote 13 instance. After installation using the composerFootnote 14 command on a (apache, mysql, PHP5.4+) stack, the instance can be configured using the API at the relative path /api/triples. POSTing a new resource to this collection can be done by providing the type of the reader and its parameters. Self-documentation on the sources and their parameters can be found in the discovery document, which in this case can be found at triples:discovery .

In the beginning of our example project, our turtle file is small and only contains two transit agencies. In order to dereference the URIs in it, we configure The DataTank to dereference our file by POSTing its location to triples:api/triples, thus, no need to set up a triple store and SPARQL endpoint. The turtle file used in this demo can be found at triples:demo.ttl . When going to the specific URIs, only the triples mentioning this URI as a subject are returned and visualized. The visualization within the HTML uses a javascript library called rdf2htmlFootnote 15. It is an extensible library which creates a certain type of visualization for an, or a couple of, ontologies. Through content-negotiation, the same data can be requested through different formats: text/html, application/json, application/ld+json, application/rdf+xml, text/turtle...

A basic LDF server has to be able to solve triple patterns. The DataTank solves this using this template: {URI}?subject={subject}&predicate={predicate}&object={object}. This way, we have also introduced URIs for triples and triple patterns. By dereferencing these, we can provide more information: the answer to the triple pattern can be given, but also the (approximation of the) count, provenance and extra hypermedia handles can be given. The basic LDF server is advertised in the data catalog feed on the server accessible at triples:api/dcat .

When in the course of the project, a triple store is set up, an extra source can be configured on /api/triples. This new SPARQL endpoint source can work in parallel to the turtle file, until the turtle file is not needed any longer.

5 Getting Started

tdt/triples is an extension of tdt/core. Both repositories are available at The only requirement is a standard Apache – MySQL – PHP stack. ComposerFootnote 16, a dependency manager for PHP, can be used in order to set up The DataTank on your namespace. First, fill out app/config/database.php after downloading tdt/core. Next, run composer require tdt/triples followed by a composer install. If all goes well, your namespace should now return an empty The DataTank.

By using the interface at api/admin you can configure tdt/core resources. At the time of writing, supported sources are: a CSV file, a SHP file, an XML file, a JSON file, an XLS file, a JSON-LD file, an N3 file, a SPARQL endpoint and custom written PHP code to fetch and transform data. With the added tdt/triples functionalities, you can now configure extra sources at api/triples. Posting Listing 1 to api/triples will result in all the configured file’s triples to be added to your namespace. The result, with this particular file, can be seen at for example triples:NMBS, which will now return the relevant triples, including VoID, HydraFootnote 17 and DCAT metadata.

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Up to date documentation can be found at

6 Conclusion

This demonstrator introduces tdt/triples, a new project which lowers the bar to start dereferencing URIs on a certain namespace. Several principles to publish data on the Web were discussed and applied to the project, amongst others: the Linked Data principles, the hypermedia and REST principles and the Linked Data Fragments principles. The readers or visitors of the demonstrator are able to set up tdt/triples and can add their RDF file or SPARQL endpoint to the configuration. They are able to see an automatically generated representation requested through content-negotiation, see the rdf2html view and follow links. All processing is done on the fly: when the file or store changes, the URI representation does too.

We hope that tdt/triples and rdf2html will get a broad uptake amongst ontology maintainers, dataset owners and other people that have to dereference URIs as part of their Linked Data project. Future work lies in enabling the read/write Web within tdt/triples using distributed versioning techniques. This work has already started in our lab with R&Wbase [5]: distributed version control for triples.