
1 Introduction

Today’s distributed programs are subject to a variety of transient faults due to their inherent complexity, human errors and environmental factors, where transient faults perturb program state without causing any permanent damage (e.g., bad initialization, loss of coordination, soft errors). Distributed applications should guarantee service availability even in the presence of faults. However, providing global recovery in distributed programs is difficult in part due to (1) no central point of control/administration; (2) lack of knowledge about the global state of the program by program processes/components, and (3) the need for global recovery using only the local actions of processes. To design programs that recover from any arbitrary configuration/state without human intervention, Dijkstra [1] proposed self-stabilization as a property of distributed programs. A Self-Stabilizing (SS) program meets two requirements, namely closure and convergence. Convergence requires that, from any state, the computations of an SS program reach a set of legitimate states (a.k.a. program invariant). Upon reaching an invariant state, the computations of an SS program remain in its invariant as long as no faults occur; i.e., Closure. Indeed, self-stabilization is a special case of nonmasking fault tolerance [2, 3], where instead of providing recovery from any state, designers identify a subset of the state space from where recovery to the invariant can be provided. While there are several approaches in the literature for the design of SS algorithms for specific problems, we are not aware of a general case complexity analysis of designing SS programs.

Several researchers have investigated the problem of adding nonmasking fault tolerance to programs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. For instance, Liu and Joseph [4] present a method for the transformation of an intolerant program to a fault-tolerant version thereof by going through a set of refinement steps. Arora and Gouda [2, 3] use the notions of closure and convergence to define three levels of fault tolerance based on the extent to which safety and liveness specifications [7] are satisfied in the presence of faults. In their setting, a failsafe fault-tolerant program ensures its safety at all times even if faults occur, whereas, in the presence of faults, a nonmasking program provides recovery to its invariant; no guarantees on meeting safety during recovery. A masking fault-tolerant program is both failsafe and nonmasking. Arora et al. [5] design nonmasking fault tolerance by creating a dependency graph of the local constraints of program processes, and by illustrating how these constraints should be satisfied so global recovery is achieved. Kulkarni and Arora [6] demonstrate that adding failsafe/nonmasking/masking fault tolerance to high atomicity programs can be done in polynomial-time in program’s state space, where a high atomicity program can read/write all program variables in an atomic step. Nonetheless, they illustrate that adding masking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs – where processes have read/write restrictions with respect to variables of other processes – is NP-complete (in the size of the state space).Footnote 1 Moreover, Kulkarni and Ebnenasir [8] show that adding failsafe fault tolerance to low atomicity programs is also an NP-complete problem. Nonetheless, while adding nonmasking fault tolerance is known to be in NP, no polynomial-time algorithms are known for efficient design of nonmasking fault tolerance for low atomicity programs; nor has there been a proof of NP-hardness!

In this paper, we illustrate that adding nonmasking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs is NP-complete (in the size of the state space). Our hardness proof is based on a reduction from the 3-SAT problem [9] to the problem of adding convergence to non-stabilizing programs. Since adding convergence is a special case of adding nonmasking fault tolerance, it follows that, in general, it is unlikely that adding nonmasking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs can be done efficiently (unless \(P=NP\)). The significance of our NP-hardness proof is multi-fold. First, our proof provides a solution for a problem that has been open for more than a decade. Second, illustrating the NP-completeness of adding convergence is particularly important since the proof requires the construction of the entire state space of the instance of the problem of adding convergence, yet such a mapping should be polynomial in the size of the instance of the source NP-complete problem (in our case 3-SAT). Devising such a reduction has been another open problem in the literature. Third, our proof illustrates that even if we have a process in a program that can atomically read the global state of the program and can update its own local state, the addition of recovery still remains a hard problem. Fourth, the presented hardness proof lays the foundation for the design of a new family of synthesis algorithms inspired by the DPLL algorithm [10], which we are currently investigating. We conjecture that such synthesis algorithms will be more efficient than existing methods of SAT-based synthesis of fault tolerance [11] where one formulates the sub-problems of adding fault tolerance in terms of CNF formulas and invokes off-the-shelf SAT solvers.

Organization. Section  2 presents the basic concepts of programs, faults and fault tolerance. Section  3 formally states the problem of adding nonmasking fault tolerance and convergence. Section  4 illustrates that adding convergence in particular and adding nonmasking fault tolerance in general are NP-complete. Section  5 discusses related work. Finally, Section  6 makes concluding remarks and discusses future work.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we present the formal definitions of programs, faults, fault tolerance and self-stabilization, and our distribution model (adapted from [6]). Programs are defined in terms of their set of variables, their transitions, and their processes. The definitions of fault tolerance and self-stabilization are adapted from [1, 3, 12, 13]. For ease of presentation, we use a simplified version of Dijkstra’s token ring protocol [1] as a running example.

Programs as (non-deterministic) finite-state machines. A program in our setting is a representation of any system that can be captured by a (finite-state) non-deterministic state machine (e.g., network protocols). Formally, a program \(p\) is a tuple \( \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \) of a finite set \(V_p\) of variables, a set \(\delta _p\) of transitions, a finite set \(\varPi _p\) of \(k\) processes, where \(k \ge 1\), and a topology \(T_p\). Each variable \(v_i \in V_p\), for \(i\in \mathbb N _m\) where \(\mathbb N _m = \{0, 1, \cdots , m-1\}\) and \(m > 0\), has a finite non-empty domain \(D_i\). A state \(s\) of \(p\) is a valuation \(\langle d_0, d_1, \cdots , d_{m-1} \rangle \) of variables \(\langle v_0, v_1, \cdots , v_{m-1} \rangle \), where \(d_i \in D_i\). A transition \(t\) is an ordered pair of states, denoted \((s_0, s_1)\), where \(s_0\) is the source and \(s_1\) is the target/destination state of \(t\). A deadlock state is a state with no outgoing transitions. For a variable \(v\) and a state \(s\), \(v(s)\) denotes the value of \(v\) in \(s\). The state space of \(p\), denoted \(S_p\), is the set of all possible states of \(p\), and \(|S_p|\) denotes the size of \(S_p\). A state predicate is any subset of \(S_p\) specified as a Boolean expression over \(V_p\). We say a state predicate \(X\) holds in a state \(s\) (respectively, \(s \in X\)) if and only if (iff) \(X\) evaluates to true at \(s\).

Read/Write model. We adopt a shared memory model [14] since reasoning in a shared memory setting is easier, and several (correctness-preserving) transformations [15, 16] exist for the refinement of shared memory fault-tolerant programs to their message-passing versions. We model the topological constraints (denoted \(T_p\)) of a program \(p\) by a set of read and write restrictions imposed on variables that identify the locality of each process. Specifically, we consider a subset of variables in \(V_p\) that a process \(P_j\) (\(j\in \mathbb N _k\)) can write, denoted \(w_j\), and a subset of variables that \(P_j\) is allowed to read, denoted \(r_j\). We assume that for each process \(P_j\), \(w_j \subseteq r_j\); i.e., if a process can write a variable, then it can also read that variable.

Impact of read/write restrictions. Every transition of a process \(P_j\) belongs to a group of transitions due to the inability of \(P_j\) to read variables that are not in \(r_j\). Consider two processes \(P_0\) and \(P_1\) each having a Boolean variable that is not readable for the other process. That is, \(P_0\) (respectively, \(P_1\)) can read and write \(x_0\) (respectively, \(x_1\)), but cannot read \(x_1\) (respectively, \(x_0\)). Let \(\langle x_0, x_1 \rangle \) denote a state of this program. Now, if \(P_0\) writes \(x_0\) in a transition \((\langle 0, 0 \rangle , \langle 1, 0 \rangle )\), then \(P_0\) has to consider the possibility of \(x_1\) being 1 when it updates \(x_0\) from 0 to 1. As such, executing an action in which the value of \(x_0\) is changed from 0 to 1 is captured by the fact that a group of two transitions \((\langle 0, 0 \rangle , \langle 1, 0 \rangle )\) and \((\langle 0, 1 \rangle , \langle 1, 1 \rangle )\) is included in \(P_0\). In general, a transition is included in the set of transitions of a process iff its associated group of transitions is included. Formally, any two transitions \((s_0, s_1)\) and \((s'_0, s'_1)\) in a group of transitions formed due to the read restrictions of a process \(P_j\), denoted \(r_j\), meet the following constraints: \(\forall v: v \in r_j: (v(s_0) = v(s'_0)) \wedge (v(s_1) = v(s'_1))\) and \(\forall v: v \notin r_j: (v(s_0) = v(s_1)) \wedge (v(s'_0) = v(s'_1))\).

Due to read/write restrictions, a process \(P_j\) (\(j\in \mathbb N _k\)) includes a set of transition groups \(P_j = \{g_{j0}, g_{j1}, \cdots , g_{j\left( max-1\right) }\}\) created due to read restrictions \(r_j\), where \(max \ge 1\). Due to write restrictions \(w_j\), no transition group \(g_{ji}\) (\(i\in \mathbb N _{max}\)) can have a transition \((s_0,s_1)\) that updates a variable \(v \notin w_j\). Thus, the set of transitions \(\delta _p\) of a program \(p\) is equal to the union of the transition groups of its processes; i.e., \(\delta _p = \cup _{j=0}^{k-1} P_j\). (It is known that the total number of groups is polynomial in \(|S_p|\) [6]). We use \(p\) and \(\delta _p\) interchangeably.

To simplify the specification of \(\delta _p\) for designers, we use Dijkstra’s guarded commands language [17] as a shorthand for representing the set of program transitions. A guarded command (action) is of the form \( grd \rightarrow stmt\), and includes a set of transitions \((s_0, s_1)\) such that the predicate \(grd\) holds in \(s_0\) and the atomic execution of the statement \(stmt\) results in state \(s_1\). An action \(grd \rightarrow stmt\) is enabled in a state \(s\) iff \(grd\) holds at \(s\). A process \(P_j \in \varPi _p\) is enabled in \(s\) iff there exists an action of \(P_j\) that is enabled at \(s\).

Example: Token Ring (TR). The Token Ring (TR) program (adapted from [1]) includes three processes \(\{ P_0, P_1, P_2 \}\) each with an integer variable \(x_j\), where \(j\in \mathbb N _3\), with a domain \(\{0, 1, 2 \}\). The process \(P_0\) has the following action (addition and subtraction are in modulo 3):

$$\begin{aligned} A_0: (x_0 = x_2) \longrightarrow x_0 := x_2 + 1 \end{aligned}$$

When the values of \(x_0\) and \(x_2\) are equal, \(P_0\) increments \(x_0\) by one. We use the following parametric action to represent the actions of processes \(P_j\), for \(1 \le j \le 2\):

$$\begin{aligned} A_j: (x_j \ne x_{(j-1)}) \longrightarrow x_j := x_{(j-1)} \end{aligned}$$

Each process \(P_j\) copies \(x_{j-1}\) only if \(x_j \ne x_{j-1}\), where \(j = 1, 2\). By definition, process \(P_j\) has a token iff \(x_j \ne x_{j-1}\). Process \(P_0\) has a token iff \(x_0 = x_2\). We define a state predicate \(I_{TR}\) that captures the set of states in which only one token exists, where \(I_{TR}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} ((x_0 = x_1) \wedge (x_1 = x_2)) \;\vee \; ((x_1 \ne x_0) \wedge (x_1 = x_2)) \;\vee \; ((x_0 = x_1) \wedge (x_1 \ne x_2)) \end{aligned}$$

Each process \(P_j\) (\(1 \le j \le 2\)) is allowed to read variables \(x_{j-1}\) and \(x_j\) but can write only \(x_j\). Process \(P_0\) is permitted to read \(x_2\) and \(x_0\) and can write only \(x_0\). Thus, since a process \(P_j\) is unable to read one variable (with a domain of three values), each group associated with an action \(A_j\) includes three transitions. For a TR protocol with \(n\) processes and with \(n\) values in the domain of each variable \(x_j\), each group includes \(n^{n-2}\) transitions. \(\lhd \)

Computations. Intuitively, a computation of a program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \) is an interleaving of its actions. Formally, a computation of \(p\) is a sequence \(\sigma = \langle s_0, s_1, \cdots \rangle \) of states that satisfies the following conditions: (1) for each transition \((s_i, s_{i+1})\) in \(\sigma \), where \(i \ge 0\), there exists an action \(grd \rightarrow stmt\) in some process \(P_j \in \varPi _p\) such that \(grd\) holds at \(s_i\) and the execution of \(stmt\) at \(s_i\) yields \(s_{i+1}\), and (2) \(\sigma \) is maximal in that either \(\sigma \) is infinite or if it is finite, then \(\sigma \) reaches a state \(s_f\) where no action is enabled. A computation prefix of a program \(p\) is a finite sequence \(\sigma = \langle s_0, s_1, \cdots , s_z \rangle \) of states, where \(z > 0\), such that each transition \((s_i, s_{i+1})\) in \(\sigma \) (\(i\in \mathbb N _z\)) belongs to some action \(grd \rightarrow stmt\) in some process \(P_j \in \varPi _p\). The projection of a program \(p\) on a non-empty state predicate \(X\), denoted as \(\delta _p|X\), is the program \(\langle V_p, \{ (s_0, s_1) : (s_0, s_1) \! \in \! \delta _p\;\wedge \;s_0, s_1 \! \in \! X \}, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \). In other words, \(\delta _p|X\) consists of transitions of \(p\) that start in \(X\) and end in \(X\).

Closure and invariant. A state predicate \(X\) is closed in an action \(grd \rightarrow stmt\) iff executing \(stmt\) from any state \(s \in (X \wedge grd)\) results in a state in \(X\). We say a state predicate \(X\) is closed in a program \(p\) iff \(X\) is closed in every action of \(p\). In other words, closure [13] requires that every computation of \(p\) starting in \(X\) remains in \(X\). We say a state predicate \(I\) is an invariant of \(p\) iff \(I\) is closed in \(p\).

TR Example. Starting from a state in the predicate \(I_{TR}\), the TR protocol generates an infinite sequence of states, where all reached states belong to \(I_{TR}\).\(\lhd \)

Faults. Intuitively, we capture the impact of faults on a program as state perturbations. Formally, a class of faults \(f\) for a program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \) is a subset of \(S_p \times S_p\). We use \(p [] f\) to denote the transitions obtained by taking the union of the transitions in \(\delta _p\) and the transitions in \(f\). We say that a state predicate \(T\) is an \(f\)-span (read as fault-span) of \(p\) from a state predicate \(I\) iff the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) \(I \subseteq T\), and (2) \(T\) is closed in \(p [] f\). Observe that for all computations of \(p\) that start in \(I\), the state predicate \(T\) is a superset of \(I\) in \(S_p\) up to which the state of \(p\) may be perturbed by the occurrence of \(f\) transitions. We say that a sequence of states, \(\sigma = \langle s_0, s_1, ...\rangle \) is a computation of \(p\) in the presence of \(f\) iff the following conditions are satisfied: (1) \(\forall j: j > 0 : (s_{j\!-\!1}, s_j) \! \in \! (p [] f)\); (2) if \(\sigma \) is finite and terminates in state \(s_l\), then there is no state \(s\) such that \((s_l, s) \! \in \! \delta _p\), and (3) \(\exists n : n \ge 0 : (\forall j : j > n : (s_{j\!-\!1}, s_j) \! \in \! \delta _p)\). The first requirement captures that in each step, either a program transition or a fault transition is executed. The second requirement captures that faults do not have to execute. That is, if the only transition that starts from \(s_l\) is a fault transition \((s_l, s_f)\) then as far as the program is concerned, \(s_l\) is still a deadlock state because the program does not have control over the execution of \((s_l, s_f)\); i.e., \((s_l, s_f)\) may or may not be executed. Finally, the third requirement captures that the number of fault occurrences in a computation is finite. This requirement is the same as that made in previous work (e.g., [1, 3, 18, 19]) to ensure that eventually recovery can occur. In the same way that we use guarded commands to represent program transitions, we use them to specify fault transitions. That is, the impact of faults can be captured as a set of actions that update program variables.

TR Example. The TR protocol is subject to transient faults that can perturb its state to an arbitrary state. For instance, the following action captures the impact of faults on \(x_0\), where \(|\) denotes non-deterministic assignment of values to \(x_0\):

$$\begin{aligned} F_0: = \mathrm{{true}} \longrightarrow x_0 := 0 | 1 | 2; \end{aligned}$$

The impact of faults on \(x_1\) and \( x_2\) are captured with two actions \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) symmetric to \(F_0\). \(\lhd \)

Nonmasking fault tolerance and self-stabilization. Let \(I\) be a state predicate closed in a program \(p\) and \(f\) be a class of faults. We say that \(p\) is nonmasking \(f\)-tolerant from \(I\) iff there exists an \(f\)-span of \(p\) from \(I\), denoted \(T\), such that \(T\) converges to \(I\) in \(p\). That is, from any state \(s_0 \in T\), every computation of \(p\) that starts in \(s_0\) reaches a state where \(I\) holds. We say that \(p\) is self-stabilizing from \(I\) iff \(p\) is nonmasking \(f\)-tolerant from \(I\), where \(T =\) true. That is, the \(f\)-span of \(p\) is equal to \(S_p\), and convergence to \(I\) is guaranteed from any state in \(S_p\). Notice that, to design recovery, one has to ensure that no deadlock states exist in \(T \!-\! I\), and no non-progress cycles exist in \(\delta _p \;|\; (T \!-\! I)\). A non-progress cycle (a.k.a. livelock) in \(\delta _p \;|\; (T \!-\! I)\) is a sequence of states \(\sigma =\langle s_0, s_1, \cdots , s_m, s_0 \rangle \), where \(m \ge 0\), \((s_i, s_{i \oplus 1}) \in \delta _p\) and \(s_i \in (T \!-\! I)\), for \(i \in \mathbb N _{m+1}\) and \(\oplus \) denotes addition modulo \(m+1\).

Proposition 1.

A program \(p\) is nonmasking \(f\)-tolerant from \(I\) with a \(f\)-span \(T\) iff there are no deadlock states in \(T \!-\! I\) and no non-progress cycles in \(\delta _p \;|\; (T \!-\! I)\).

Note. In this paper, we analyze the complexity of adding convergence under the assumption of no fairness.

3 Problem Statement

In this section, we represent the problem of adding nonmasking fault-tolerance from [6]. Consider a fault-intolerant program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \), a class of faults \(f\), and a state predicate \(I\), where \(I\) is closed in \(p\). Our objective is to generate a revised version of \(p\), denoted \(p'\), such that \(p'\) is nonmasking \(f\)-tolerant from an invariant \(I'\). To separate fault tolerance from functional concerns, we would like to preserve the behaviors of \(p\) in the absence of \(f\) during the addition of fault tolerance. For this reason, during the synthesis of \(p'\) from \(p\), no states (respectively, transitions) are added to \(I\) (respectively, \(\delta _p|I\)). Thus, we have \(I' \subseteq I\) and \(p'|I' \subseteq p|I'\). This way, if \(p'\) starts in \(I'\) in the absence of faults, then \(p'\) will preserve the correctness of \(p\); i.e., the added recovery does not interfere with normal functionalities of \(p\) in the absence of faults. Moreover, if \(p'\) starts in a state outside \(I'\), then only recovery to \(I'\) will be provided by \(p'\). Thus, we formally state the problem as follows:

Problem 1.

Adding Nonmasking Fault Tolerance


  • Input: (1) A program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \); (2) A class of faults \(f\); (3) A state predicate \(I\) such that \(I\) is closed in \(p\), and (4) topological constraints of \(p\) captured by read/write restrictions.

  • Output: A program \(p' = \langle V_{p'}, \delta _{p'}, \varPi _{p'}, T_{p'} \rangle \) and a state predicate \(I'\) such that the following constraints are met: (1) \(I'\) is non-empty and \(I' \subseteq I\); (2) \(\delta _{p'}|I' \subseteq \delta _p|I'\); (3) \(\varPi _p\) and \(\varPi _{p'}\) have the same number of processes and \(T_p = T_{p'}\), and (4) \(p'\) is nonmasking \(f\)-tolerant from \(I'\). \(\square \)

We state the corresponding decision problem as follows:

Problem 2.

Decision Problem of Adding Nonmasking Fault Tolerance


  • INSTANCE: (1) A program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \); (2) A class of faults \(f\); (3) A state predicate \(I\) such that \(I\) is closed in \(p\), and (4) topological constraints of \(p\) captured by read/write restrictions.

  • QUESTION: Does there exist a program \(p' = \langle V_{p'}, \delta _{p'}, \varPi _{p'}, T_{p'} \rangle \) and a state predicate \(I'\) such that the constraints of Problem 1 are met? \(\square \)

A special case of Problem 2 is where \(f\) denotes a class of transient faults, \(I=I'\), \(\delta _{p'}|I' = \delta _p|I'\), and \(p'\) is self-stabilizing to \(I\).

Problem 3.

Decision Problem of Adding Convergence


  • INSTANCE: (1) A program \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \); (2) A state predicate \(I\) such that \(I\) is closed in \(p\), and (3) topological constraints captured by read/write restrictions.

  • QUESTION: Does there exist a program \(p_{ss}\) with an invariant \(I_{ss}\) such that \(I=I_{ss}\), \(\delta _{p_{ss}}|I_{ss} = \delta _p|I_{ss}\), and \(p_{ss}\) is self-stabilizing to \(I_{ss}\)? \(\square \)

4 Hardness Results

In this section, we illustrate that adding convergence to low atomicity programs is NP-complete (in the size of the state space). This hardness result implies the hardness of general case addition of nonmasking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs (i.e., Problem 2). Specifically, we demonstrate that, for a given intolerant program \(p\) with an invariant \(I\), adding convergence from \(S_p\) to \(I\) is an NP-hard problem. Section 4.1 presents a polynomial-time mapping from 3-SAT to an instance of Problem 3. Section 4.2 shows that the instance of 3-SAT is satisfiable iff a self-stabilizing version of the instance of Problem 3 exists.

Problem 4.

The 3-SAT decision problem.


  • INSTANCE: A set \(\mathcal{V }\) of \(n\) propositional variables (\(v_0,\cdots ,v_{n-1}\)) and \(k\) clauses (\(C_0, \cdots , C_{k-1}\)) over \(\mathcal{V }\) such that each clause is of the form \((l_q \vee l_r \vee l_s)\), where \(q, r, s \in \mathbb N _k\) and \(\mathbb N _k = \{0, 1, \cdots , k-1\}\). Each \(l_r\) denotes a literal, where a literal is either \(\lnot v_r\) or \(v_r\) for \(v_r \in \mathcal{V }\). We assume that \(\lnot (q = r = s)\) holds for all clauses; otherwise, the 3-SAT instance can efficiently be transformed to a formula that meets this constraint.

  • QUESTION: Is there a satisfying truth-value assignment for the variables in \(\mathcal V \) such that each \(C_i\) evaluates to true, for all \(i \in \mathbb N _k\)?

Notation. We say \(l_r\) is a negative (respectively, positive) literal iff it has the form \(\lnot v_r\) (respectively, \(v_r\)), where \(v_r \in \mathcal V \). Consider a clause \(C_i = (l_q \vee l_r \vee l_s)\). We use a binary variable \(b^i_j\), where \(i \in \mathbb N _k\) and \(j \in \mathbb N _3\), to denote the sign of the first, second, and the third literal in \(C_i\). For example, if \(l_q = \lnot v_q, l_r = v_r\) and \(l_s = \lnot v_s\), then we have \(b^i_0 = 0, b^i_1 =1\) and \(b^i_2 = 0\). Accordingly, for each clause \(C_i\), we define a tuple \(B^i = \langle b^i_0, b^i_1, b^i_2\rangle \). Notice that, the binary variable \(b^i_j\) is independent from the indices of the literals in clause \(C_i\) and represents only the positive/negative form of the three literals in \(C_i\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Instance of Problem 3

4.1 Polynomial Mapping

In this section, we present a polynomial-time mapping from an instance of 3-SAT to the instance of Problem 3, denoted \(p = \langle V_p, \delta _p, \varPi _p, T_p \rangle \). That is, corresponding to each propositional variable and clause, we illustrate how we construct a program \(p\), its processes \(\varPi _p\), its variables \(V_p\), its read/write restrictions and its invariant \(I\). We shall use this mapping in Section 4.2 to demonstrate that the instance of 3-SAT is satisfiable iff convergence from \(S_p\) can be added to \(p\).

Processes, variables, and read/write restrictions. We consider three processes, \(P_0\), \(P_1\), and \(P_2\) in \(p\). Each process \(P_j\) (\(j \in \mathbb N _3\)) has two variables \(x_j\) and \(y_j\), where the domain of \(x_j\) is equal to \(\mathbb N _n = \{0, 1, \cdots , n-1\}\) and \(y_j\) is a binary variable. (Notice that \(n\) denotes the number of propositional variables in the 3-SAT instance.) The process \(P_j\) can read both \(x_j\) and \(y_j\) but can write only \(y_j\). We also consider a fourth process \(P_3\) that can read all variables and write a binary variable \( sat \in \mathbb N _2\). The variable \( sat \) can be read by processes \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\), but not written. That is, we have \(r_j =\{x_j, y_j, sat \}\), and \(w_j=\{y_j\}\) for \(j \in \mathbb N _3\), and \(r_3=\{x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, sat \}\) and \(w_3=\{ sat \}\) (see Figure 1). We also have \(V_p = \{x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, sat \},\) and \(\varPi _p=\{P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3\}\).

Invariant/legitimate states. Inspired by the form of the 3-SAT instance and its requirements, we define a state predicate \(I_{ss}\) that denotes the invariant of \(p\).

  • Corresponding to each clause \(C_i = (l_q \vee l_r \vee l_s)\), we construct a state predicate \(PredC_i \equiv (x_0 = q \implies y_0 = b^i_0) \vee (x_1 = r \implies y_1 = b^i_1) \vee (x_2 = s \implies y_2 = b^i_2)\). In other words, we have \(PredC_i \equiv ((x_0 = q) \wedge (x_1 = r) \wedge (x_2 = s)) \implies ((y_0 = b^i_0) \vee (y_1 = b^i_1) \vee (y_2 = b^i_2))\). This way, we construct a state predicate \( Clauses \equiv \left( \forall i\in \mathbb N _k: PredC_i\right) \). Notice that we check the value of each \(x_j\) with respect to the index of the literal appearing in position \(j\) in \(C_i\), where \(j \in \mathbb N _3\). This is due to the fact that the domain of \(x_j\) is equal to the range of the indices of propositional variables (i.e., \(\mathbb N _n\)).

  • A literal \(l_r\) may appear in positions \(i\) and \(j\) in distinct clauses of 3-SAT, where \(i, j \in \mathbb N _3\) and \(i \ne j\). Since each propositional variable \(v_r \in \mathcal V \) gets a unique truth-value in 3-SAT, the truth-value of \(l_r\) is independent from its position in the 3-SAT formula. Given the way we construct the state predicate \( Clauses \), it follows that, in the instance of Problem 3, whenever \(x_i = x_j\) we should have \(y_i = y_j\). Thus, we construct the state predicate \( Iden \equiv (\forall i,j\in \mathbb N _3: (x_i=x_j\implies y_i=y_j))\), which is conjoined with the predicate \( Clauses \).

  • In the instance of Problem 3, we require that \(( sat =1)\) holds in all invariant states.

Thus, the invariant of \(p\) is equal to the state predicate \(I_{ss}\), where

$$\begin{aligned} I_{ss}\equiv {Iden}\wedge {{Clauses}}\wedge ({sat}=1) \end{aligned}$$

Notice that, the size of the state space of \(p\) is equal to \(2\left( 2n\right) ^3\); i.e., \(|S_p|\) is polynomial in the size of the 3-SAT instance.

Example 1.

Example Construction

Let us consider the 3-SAT formula \(\phi \equiv \left( v_0\vee v_1\vee v_2\right) \wedge \left( \lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_2\right) \wedge \left( \lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_1 \vee v_2\right) \wedge \left( v_1 \vee \lnot v_2 \vee \lnot v_0\right) \). Since there are three propositional variables and four clauses, we have \(n = 3\) and \(k =4\). Moreover, based on the mapping described before, we have \(C_0\equiv (v_0\vee v_1\vee v_2)\), \(C_1\equiv (\lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_2)\), \(C_2\equiv (\lnot v_1 \vee \lnot v_1 \vee v_2)\) and \(C_3 \equiv (v_1 \vee \lnot v_2 \vee \lnot v_0)\). We have \(B^0 = \langle 1, 1, 1\rangle \), \(B^1 = \langle 0, 0, 0\rangle \), \(B^2 = \langle 0, 0, 1\rangle \) and \(B^3 = \langle 1, 0, 0\rangle \). The state predicate \({Iden}\) is defined as before and \({Clauses}\) is the conjunction of each \({PredC}_i\) (\(i \in \mathbb N _4\)) defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {PredC}_0 \equiv (x_0=0\wedge x_1=1\wedge x_2=2)\implies (y_0=1\vee y_1=1\vee y_2=1)\\ {PredC}_1 \equiv (x_0=1\wedge x_1=1\wedge x_2=2)\implies (y_0=0\vee y_1=0\vee y_2=0)\\ {PredC}_2 \equiv (x_0=1\wedge x_1=1\wedge x_2=2)\implies (y_0=0\vee y_1=0\vee y_2=1)\\ {PredC}_3 \equiv (x_0=1\wedge x_1=2\wedge x_2=0)\implies (y_0=1\vee y_1=0\vee y_2=0) \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Correctness of Reduction

In this section, we illustrate that Problem 3 is NP-complete. Specifically, we show that the instance of 3-SAT is satisfiable iff convergence from \(S_p\) to \(I_{ss}\) can be added to the instance of Problem 3, denoted \(p\).

Lemma 1.

If the instance of 3-SAT has a satisfying valuation, then convergence from \(S_p\) can be added to the instance of Problem 3; i.e., there is a self-stabilizing version of \(p\), denoted \(p_{ss}\).

Let there be a truth-value assignment to the propositional variables in \(\mathcal V \) such that every clause evaluates to true; i.e., \(\forall i: i \in \mathbb N _k : C_i\). Initially, \(\delta _p = \emptyset \) and \(\delta _p = \delta _{p_{ss}}\). Based on the value assignments to propositional variables, we include a set of transitions (represented as convergence actions) in \(p_{ss}\). Then, we illustrate that the following three properties hold: the invariant \(I_{ss} \equiv Clauses \wedge Iden \wedge ( sat = 1)\) remains closed in \(p_{ss}\), deadlock-freedom in \(\lnot I_{ss}\), and livelock-freedom in \(p_{ss} | \lnot I_{ss}\).

  • If a propositional variable \(v_r\) (where \(r \in \mathbb N _n\)) is assigned true, then we include the following action in each process \(P_j\), where \(j \in \mathbb N _3\): \(x_j=r \wedge y_j = 0 \wedge {sat}=0\rightarrow y_j :=1\).

  • If a propositional variable \(v_r\) (where \(r \in \mathbb N _n\)) is assigned false, then we include the following action in each process \(P_j\), where \(j \in \mathbb N _3\): \(x_j=r \wedge y_j = 1 \wedge sat =0\rightarrow y_j :=0\).

  • We include the following actions in \(P_3\): \(\left( {Iden}\wedge {Clauses}\right) \wedge {sat}=0\rightarrow {sat}:=1\) and \(\lnot \left( Iden \wedge Clauses \right) \wedge {sat}=1\rightarrow {sat}:=0\).

Now we illustrate that closure, deadlock-freedom, and livelock-freedom hold. That is, the resulting program is self-stabilizing to \(I_{ss}\).

Closure.Since the first three processes can execute an action only in states where \({sat}=0\), their actions are disabled where \({sat}=1\). Thus, the first three processes exclude any transition that starts in \(I_{ss}\); i.e., preserving the closure of \(I_{ss}\) and ensuring \(p_{ss}|I_{ss} \subseteq p|I_{ss}\). Moreover, \(P_3\) takes an action only when its guards are enabled; i.e., in illegitimate states. Therefore, none of the included actions violate the closure of \(I_{ss}\), and the second constraint of the output of Problem 1 holds.

Livelock Freedom. To show livelock-freedom, we illustrate that the included actions have no circular dependencies. That is, no set of actions can enable each other in a cyclic fashion. Due to read/write restrictions, none of the three processes \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) executes based on the local variables of another process. Moreover, each process can update only its own \(y\) value. Once any one of the processes \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) updates its \(y\) value, it disables itself. Thus, the actions of one process cannot enable/disable another process. Moreover, since each action disables itself, there are no self-loops either. The guards of the actions of \(P_3\) cannot be simultaneously true. Moreover, once one of them is enabled, the other one is certainly disabled, and the execution of one cannot enable another (because they only update the value of \({sat}\)). Only processes \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) can make the predicate \(({Iden}\wedge {Clauses})\) true when \({sat}=0\). Once \(P_3\) sets \({sat}\) to 1 from states \(\left( {Iden}\wedge {Clauses}\right) \wedge \left( {sat}=0\right) \), a state in \(I_{ss}\) is reached. Therefore, there are no cycles that start in \(\lnot I_{ss}\) and exclude any state in \(I_{ss}\).

Deadlock Freedom. We illustrate that, in every state in \(\lnot I_{ss} \equiv (\lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \vee ({sat}=0))\), there is at least one action that is enabled.

  • Case 1: \((({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \wedge ({sat}=0))\) holds. In these states, the first action of \(P_3\) is enabled. Thus, there are no deadlocks in this case.

  • Case 2: \(( \lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \wedge ({sat}=1))\) holds. In this case, the second action of \(P_3\) is enabled. Thus, there are no deadlocks in this case.

  • Case 3: \(( \lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \wedge ({sat}=0))\) holds. None of the actions of \(P_3\) are enabled in this case. Nonetheless, since \(\lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses})\) holds, either \(\lnot {Iden}\) or \(\lnot {Clauses}\), or both are true. When \(\lnot {Clauses}\) holds, there must be some state predicate \({PredC}_i\) (\(i \in \mathbb N _k\)) that is false. (Recall that, the invariant \(I_{ss}\) includes a state predicate \({PredC}_i \equiv (x_0 = q \implies y_0 = b^i_0) \vee (x_1 = r \implies y_1 = b^i_1) \vee (x_2 = s \implies y_2 = b^i_2)\) corresponding to each clause \(C_i \equiv (l_q \vee l_r \vee l_s)\) in the instance of 3-SAT.) This means that the following three state predicates are false: \((x_0 = q \implies y_0 = b^i_0), (x_1 = r \implies y_1 = b^i_1)\) and \( (x_2 = s \implies y_2 = b^i_2)\). Since the instance of 3-SAT is satisfiable, at least one of the literals \(l_q, l_r\), or \(l_s\) must be true. As a result, based on the way we have included the actions depending on the truth-values of the propositional variables, at least one of the following actions must have been included in \(p_{ss}\): \((x_0 = q \wedge y_0 \ne b^i_0 \wedge {sat}=0) \rightarrow y_0 :=b^i_0\), \((x_1 = r \wedge y_1 \ne b^i_1 \wedge {sat}=0) \rightarrow y_1 :=b^i_1\), and \((x_2 = s \wedge y_2 \ne b^i_2 \wedge {sat}=0) \rightarrow y_2 :=b^i_2\). Thus, there is some action that is enabled when \(\lnot {Clauses}\) holds. A similar reasoning implies that there exists some action that is enabled when \(\lnot {Iden}\) holds. Thus, there are no deadlocks in Case 3.

Based on the closure of the invariant \(I_{ss}\) in all actions, deadlock-freedom in \(\lnot I_{ss}\), and lack of non-progress cycles in \(p_{ss} | \lnot I_{ss}\), it follows that the resulting program \(p_{ss}\) is self-stabilizing to \(I_{ss}\). \(\square \)

Example 2

Example Construction

In the example discussed in this section, the formula \(\phi \) has a satisfying assignment for \(v_0=1\), \(v_1=0\), \(v_2=0\). Using this value assignment, we include the following actions in the first three processes \(P_r\) where \(r\in \mathbb N _3\):

$$\begin{aligned} x_r=0\wedge y_r=0\wedge sat =0&\rightarrow y_r:=1\\ x_r=1\wedge y_r=1\wedge sat =0&\rightarrow y_r:=0\\ x_r=2\wedge y_r=1\wedge sat =0&\rightarrow y_r:=0 \end{aligned}$$

The actions of \(P_3\) are as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=0&\rightarrow {sat} :=1 \\ \lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=1&\rightarrow {sat} :=0 \end{aligned}$$

Figure 2 illustrates the transitions of the stabilizing program \(p_{ss}\) originating in the state predicate \((x_0=0 \wedge x_1=1 \wedge x_2=2)\). Each state is represented by four bits which signify the respective values of \(y_0,y_1,y_2,{sat}\). Invariant states are depicted by ovals, and the label on each transition denotes the executing process.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Transitions originating in the state predicate \(x_0=0 \wedge x_1=1 \wedge x_2=2\)

Lemma 2.

If there is a self-stabilizing version of the instance of Problem 3, then the corresponding 3-SAT instance has a satisfying valuation.

By assumption, we consider a program \(p_{ss}\) to be a self-stabilizing version of \(p\) from \(I_{ss}\). That is, \(p_{ss}\) satisfies the requirements of Problem 3.

Only \({P}_3\) can correct \(({{sat}}=0)\). Clearly, \(p_{ss}\) must preserve the closure of \(I_{ss}\), and should not have any deadlocks or livelocks in the states in \(\lnot I_{ss} \equiv (\lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \vee ({sat}=0))\). Thus, \(p_{ss}\) must include actions that correct \(\lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \) and \(({sat}=0)\). Since \(p_{ss}\) must adhere to the read/write restrictions of \(p\), only \(P_3\) can correct \(({sat}=0)\) to \(({sat}=1)\). For the same reason, \(P_3\) cannot contribute to correcting \(\lnot ({Iden}\wedge {Clauses}) \); only \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) have the write permissions to do so by updating their own \(y\) values.

The rest of the reasoning is as follows: We first illustrate that \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) in \(p_{ss}\) must not execute in states where \(({sat}=1)\). Then, we draw a correspondence between actions included in \(p_{ss}\) and how propositional variables get unique truth-values in 3-SAT and how the clauses are satisfied.

\(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) can be enabled only when \(({sat}=0)\). We observe that no process \(P_j\) (\(j\in \mathbb N _3\)) can have a transition that starts in the invariant \(I_{ss}\); otherwise, the constraint \(\delta _{p_{ss}} | I_{ss} \subseteq \delta _p| I_{ss}\) would be violated. We also show that no recovery action of \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) can include a transition that starts in a state where \({sat}=1\). By contradiction, assume that some \(P_j\) (\(j\in \mathbb N _3\)) includes a transition \((s_0,s_1)\) where \(s_0 \in \lnot I_{ss}\) and \({sat}(s_0)=1\) for some fixed values of \(x_j\) and \(y_j\). Since \(P_j\) cannot read \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) of other processes \(P_i\), where \((i \in \mathbb N _3) \wedge (i \ne j)\), the transition \((s_0,s_1)\) has a groupmate \((s'_0,s'_1)\), where \(x_i(s'_0) =x_j(s'_0) \) and \(y_i(s'_0) =y_j(s'_0) \) for all \(i \in \mathbb N _3\) where \((i \ne j)\). Thus, \({Iden}\) is true at \(s'_0\). Moreover, due to the form of the 3-SAT instance, no clause \((l_q \vee l_r \vee l_s)\) exists such that \((q = r = s)\). Thus, \({Clauses}\) holds at \(s'_0\) as well, thereby making \(s'_0\) an invariant state. As a result, \((s_0,s_1)\) is grouped with a transition that starts in \(I_{ss}\), which again violates the constraint \(\delta _{p_{ss}} | I_{ss} \subseteq \delta _p| I_{ss}\). Hence, \(P_0, P_1\), and \(P_2\) can be enabled only when \(({sat}=0)\).

Actions of \(P_3\). We show that \(P_3\) must set \({sat}\) to \(0\) when \(\lnot ({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=1\) and may only assign \({sat}\) to \(1\) when \(({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=0\). As shown above, \(P_0\), \(P_1\), and \(P_2\) cannot act when \({sat}=1\), forcing \(P_3\) to execute from \(\lnot ({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge ({sat}=1)\). \(P_3\) must therefore have the action \(\lnot ({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=1 \rightarrow {sat}:=0\). Consequently, \(P_3\) cannot assign \({sat}\) to \(1\) when \(\lnot ({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=0\); otherwise, it would create a livelock with the previous action. From states where \(({Iden}\wedge {Clauses})\wedge {sat}=0\) holds, \(P_3\) is the only process which can change \({sat}\) to \(1\), thereby reaching an invariant state. Thus, \(P_3\) must include the actions \(\lnot ({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=1 \rightarrow {sat}:=0\) and \(({Iden} \wedge {Clauses}) \wedge {sat}=0 \rightarrow {sat}:=1\).

Each \(P_j\), for \(j \in \mathbb N _3\) must have exactly one action for each unique value of \(x_j\). When \({sat}=0\), fixing the value of \(x_j\) to some \(a \in \mathbb N _n\) reduces the possible local states for process \(P_j\) to \(2\), where \(y_j=0\) or \(y_j=1\) for \(j\in \mathbb N _3\). (Notice that both of these states are illegitimate since \({sat}=0\).) Thus, when \((x_j = a \wedge {sat}=0)\) holds, process \(P_j\) has \(4\) possible actions: \(y_j=0\rightarrow y_j :=0\), \(y_j=0\rightarrow y_j :=1\), \(y_j=1\rightarrow y_j:=0\), and \(y_j=1\rightarrow y_j :=1\). It is clear that the first and last of those actions are self-loops and cannot be included. Thus, \(P_j\) can have either action \(y_j=0\rightarrow y_j:=1\) or \(y_j=1\rightarrow y_j:=0\), but not both without creating a livelock. That is, \(P_j\) cannot have more than \(1\) action. Additionally, to make \({Iden}\) true, \(P_j\) must include some action. By contradiction, assume that \(P_j\) has no actions. Another process \(P_i\) (\(i\in \mathbb N _3\), \(i\ne j\)) can have \(x_i=x_j\) in a non-invariant state. There are two possibilities for the \(y\) values in this state, \(y_j=0\wedge y_i=1\) or \(y_j=1\wedge y_i=0\). \(P_i\) can resolve either scenario with an action but cannot resolve both as this would require \(2\) actions. That is, to resolve both cases \(P_i\) needs the cooperation of \(P_j\). Thus, \(P_j\) must have some action. Since \(P_j\) cannot have more than one action, it follows that \(P_j\) has exactly one action.

Truth-value assignment to propositional variables. Based on the above reasoning, for each value \(a \in \mathbb N _n\), if a process \(P_j\) includes the action \(x_j = a \wedge y_j = 0 \wedge {sat} = 0 \rightarrow y_j :=1\), then we assign true to the propositional variable \(v_a\). If \(P_j\) includes the action \(x_j = a \wedge y_j = 1 \wedge {sat} = 0 \rightarrow y_j :=0\), then we assign false to \(v_a\). Let \(P_j\) include the action \(x_j = a \wedge y_j = 0 \wedge {sat} = 0 \rightarrow y_j :=1\). By contradiction, if another process \(P_i\), where \(i \in \mathbb N _3 \wedge i \ne j\), includes the action \(x_i = a \wedge y_i = 1 \wedge {sat} = 0 \rightarrow y_i :=0\), then \({Iden}\) would be violated and \(p_{ss}\) would never recover from the state \(x_j = a \wedge x_i = a \wedge y_j =1 \wedge y_i = 0 \wedge {sat} = 0\); i.e., a deadlock state, which is a contradiction with \(p_{ss}\) being self-stabilizing. Thus, each propositional variable gets a unique truth-value assignment and these value assignments are logically consistent.

Satisfying the clauses. Since \(p_{ss}\) is self-stabilizing from \(I_{ss}\), eventually \(I_{ss}\) becomes true. This means that every \({PredC}_i\) in the \({Clauses}\) predicate becomes true. The one-to-one correspondence created by the mapping between each state predicate \({PredC}_i\) and each clause \(C_i\) implies that \({PredC}_i\) holds iff at least one literal in \(C_i\) holds. Therefore, all clauses are satisfied with the truth-value assignment based on the actions of \(p_{ss}\). \(\square \)

Theorem 1.

Adding convergence to low atomicity programs is NP-complete.

Proof. The NP-hardness of adding convergence follows from Lemmas 1 and 2. The NP membership of adding convergence has already been established in [6]; hence the NP-completeness. \(\square \)

Corollary 1.

Adding nonmasking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs is NP-complete.

Corollary 1 follows from Theorem 1 and the fact that Problem 3 is a special case of Problem 2.

5 Discussion

This section discusses extant work in three most related categories: algorithmic design of fault tolerance in general, algorithmic design of self-stabilization in particular, and complexity of algorithmic design. Several researchers have investigated the problem of algorithmic design of fault-tolerant systems [6, 20, 21, 22, 23], where a specific level of fault tolerance (e.g., failsafe, nonmasking or masking) is systematically incorporated in an existing program. Kulkarni and Arora [6] present a family of polynomial-time algorithms for the addition of different levels of fault tolerance to high atomicity programs, while demonstrating that adding masking fault tolerance to low atomicity programs is NP-complete. In our previous work [20], we establish a foundation for the addition of fault tolerance to low atomicity programs using efficient heuristics and component-based methods. Jhumka et. al [21, 22] investigate the addition of failsafe fault tolerance under efficiency constraints. Bonakdarpour and Kulkarni [23] exploit symbolic techniques to increase the scalability of the addition of fault tolerance.

Existing methods for the algorithmic design of convergence include constraint-based methods [24] and sound heuristics [25, 26]. Abujarad and Kulkarni [24] consider the program invariant as a conjunction of a set of local constraints, each representing the set of local legitimate states of a process. Then, they synthesize convergence actions for correcting the local constraints without corrupting the constraints of neighboring processes. Nonetheless, they do not explicitly address cases where local constraints have cyclic dependencies (e.g., maximal matching on a ring), and their case studies include only acyclic topologies. In our previous work [25, 26], we present a method where we partition the state space to a hierarchy of state predicates based on the length of the shortest computation prefix from each state to some state in the invariant. Then, we systematically explore the space of all candidate recovery transitions that could contribute in recovery to the invariant without creating non-progress cycles outside the invariant.

Most hardness results [6, 8, 27] presented for the addition of fault tolerance lack the additional constraint of recovery from any state, which we have in the addition of convergence. The proof of NP-hardness of adding failsafe fault tolerance presented in [8] is based on a reduction from 3-SAT, nonetheless, a failsafe fault-tolerant program does not need to recover to its invariant when faults occur. While a masking fault-tolerant program is required to recover to its invariant in the presence of faults, the problem of adding masking fault tolerance relies on finding a subset of the state space from where such recovery is possible; no need to provide recovery from any state. As such, the hardness proof presented in [6] is based on a reduction in which such a subset of state space is identified along with corresponding convergence actions if and only if the instance of 3-SAT is satisfiable. This means that some states are allowed to be excluded from the fault span; this is not an option in the case of adding convergence. The essence of the proof in [27] also relies on the same principle where Bonakdarpour and Kulkarni illustrate the NP-hardness of designing progress from one state predicate to another for low atomicity programs.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper illustrates that adding convergence to low atomicity programs is an NP-complete problem, where convergence guarantees that from any state program computations recover to a set of legitimate states; i.e., invariant. In other words, we demonstrated that designing self-stabilizing programs from their non-stabilizing versions is NP-complete in the size of the state space. Since self-stabilization is a special case of nonmasking fault tolerance, it follows that adding nonmasking fault tolerance to intolerant distributed programs is also NP-complete. When faults occur, a nonmasking program guarantees recovery from states reached due to the occurrence of faults to its invariant. In the absence of faults, the computations of a nonmasking program remain in its invariant. Thus, this paper solves a decade-old open problem [6]. As an extension of this work, we will investigate special cases where the addition of convergence/nonmasking can be performed efficiently. That is, for what programs, classes of faults and invariants the addition of convergence/nonmasking can be done in polynomial time? Moreover, while we analyzed the general case complexity of adding convergence/nonmasking tolerance under no fairness assumption, it would be interesting to investigate the impact of different fairness assumptions on the complexity of adding convergence.