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Sex Cord-Stromal, Steroid Cell, and Other Ovarian Tumors with Endocrine, Paraendocrine, and Paraneoplastic Manifestations

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Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract


The sex cord-stromal tumor category includes all ovarian neoplasms that contain granulosa cells, fibroblasts, theca cells (and their luteinized derivatives), Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, singly or in various combinations and in varying degrees of differentiation. Those who believe that all these cell types are derived from the “specialized stroma” of the genital ridge favor the term gonadal stromal tumors for these neoplasms (Norris and Taylor, Cancer (Phila) 21:255–263, 1968). Others, recognizing that many embryologists favor the participation of coelomic and mesonephric epithelium in the formation of sex cords, which are the proximal precursors of granulosa cells and Sertoli cells, favor the term sex cord-stromal tumors, and it is now the most widely accepted designation (Scully, Young, and Clement, Tumors of the ovary, maldeveloped gonads, fallopian tube, and broad ligament. In: Atlas of tumor pathology, 3rd series, fasc 23. Armed forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, 1998). The chapter also covers relevant aspects of a wide variety of other ovarian tumors associated with endocrine function and paraneoplastic syndromes.

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When the late Dr. Ancel Blaustein prepared the first edition of this book in the mid-1970s, he asked Dr. Robert E. Scully to contribute the chapter on ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors and it duly appeared in 1977. In the 1980s, one of us (RHY) had the pleasure and privilege to coauthor the chapter, beginning with the version that appeared in the 1987 third edition. Dr. Scully, being retired, declined to participate in the 2011 edition of the chapter and although many of the words were initially written, or edited by him, given his customary awareness of the importance of ethics in medicine, he declined to have his name associated with a work which he did not actively participate in at this time. However, the authors would like to acknowledge our debt to Dr. Scully for the initial chapter, which laid the groundwork for everything to follow, the opportunity to learn from his cases, and most important of all, to be educated by him on the remarkable and fascinating microscopic spectrum encountered within the family of tumors reviewed in this chapter. Similar remarks pertain to chapter “Metastatic Tumors of the Ovary”.

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Staats, P.N., Young, R.H. (2018). Sex Cord-Stromal, Steroid Cell, and Other Ovarian Tumors with Endocrine, Paraendocrine, and Paraneoplastic Manifestations. In: Kurman, R., Hedrick Ellenson, L., Ronnett, B. (eds) Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract. Springer, New York, NY.

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