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3D Shape Perception, Models of

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Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience


A 3D shape percept is the psychophysical response induced from a visual stimulus. The percept is the result of (partially) unknown neural processes within the visual system. Psychophysical tests of performance have mainly involved humans, and most relevant neurophysiological research (to date) has been performed on primates. The challenges are that (i) many different visual areas can be involved in producing a shape percept; and (ii) a single image rarely constrains the potential shape possibilities to a unique percept. Therefore, the visual system (and our computational models) must exploit assumptions to restrict the range and type of solutions. Since most models seek to return a single and, to some extent, veridical 3D shape percept, understanding both the assumptions needed and the mechanisms of computation are key components of research.

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An Ill-posed Inverse Problem

When a 3D object must be recovered from a single image of the object, the inverse...

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Kunsberg, B., Zucker, S.W. (2018). 3D Shape Perception, Models of. In: Jaeger, D., Jung, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY.

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